Benjamin Adon Wochnick was born March 25, 2008, at 2:30am. He weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces and was 21.5 inches long. He is such a cute little guy, and we are excited to finally have him here. Ben is doing great and is resting comfortably at home. He has the sweetest cry and makes the cutest noises. I love having a baby in the house again. He truly brings a good spirit into our home. Kaitlyn was anxious and jealous at first, but has really started to like Ben. She tries to kiss and hug him all the time, and we even caught her trying to pick him up. She watches him very closely and alerts me anytime Ben makes a sound. She gets very concerned when Ben cries and has become a good little helper. I am feeling pretty good, just a little sore and tired. We are looking forward to our new lives with Ben in our family and love him more everyday. Brandon and I feel truly blessed to be given two precious little spirits to watch over and protect. I love being a mother. 
He is so cute. Alexia and I just keep looking at the pictures, we can't stop. Katlyn seems to be quite the little helper. We are very proud of her.
Alexia wants to know if Ben is sucking his thumb in the first picture?
We are so going to call him Benjie not Ben!!!
He is trying to eat his hand, which is more fun than just sucking on his thumb. He can almost get the entire hand in his mouth. It is very cute.
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