We have had a fun couple of months. My baby girl turned four years old on April 17th. I can't believe that Kaitlyn is getting so big. I love her more than I ever could have imagined. We had a fun birthday party for her with several friends. The best part was the princess pinata, which Kaitlyn still talks about. It was a great day.

Brandon had a fun birthday on May 1st. He got an iTouch, which we absolutely love. It is tons of fun and I am addicted to the Angry Birds game. The kids like to watch movies on it, play games, and love listening to the Chipmunks on Daddy's new toy. Brandon loves to play Flick Fishing, and I am trying to convince him that he probably shouldn't be playing during church. Oh well, it keeps Ben and him entertained. I sure love Brandon and was glad I could get him something really fun for his birthday.

My mothers day was fun. I got three rose bushes, a few weeks early, which I happily planted in my backyard. We had a fence installed around the backyard, and I needed to plant some flowers in a new flower bed. I will have to take pictures when the flowers start blooming more. Brandon knows me to well, I love getting flowers, but I want the kind I can plant outside and enjoy for years to come (not just for a couple days). At church, the primary president gave a talk were she told the mothers why the kids loved them. Kaitlyn had told her that she loves me because I love her. How could you not love her? She is the sweetest kid on the planet and says the funniest things. I was glad that this Mothers Day I had three great reasons to celebrate. It was also nice to spend the afternoon with my family. Jeanne and Jasmine made a super yummy dinner.

On a super, wonderful, and extremely happy note, I finished my crazy semester of college. I had four online classes. To make it even better, I got 2 A's, an A-, and a B. I know, I am awesome. Only one semester left until I finally finish my bachelors degree. WOOHOO!!!!!! This picture demonstrates how I felt after this long semester of school.

Benjamin has been a little slow with his speech, so in March we had him tested. They speech therapist confirmed my suspicions that he was behind. He talks at an 18 month old level, but understands at a 24 month old level. We have been meeting with a speech therapist for two months and we absolutely adore her. Ben isn't making as much progress as we would hope. Our pediatrician told me that he has lots of fluid behind his ears and the audiologist confirmed this diagnosis. After meeting with an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist, we have decided that the best course of action is to out tubes in Ben's ears. On Monday, May 24th, he gets to have surgery. I am a little nervous, but mostly excited. I know that is weird. I want my boy to be able to hear properly and I am excited to see if his speech improves.

Paul is a great baby and is growing too fast. He smiles all the time and is such a happy baby. He gets so animated when Kaitlyn and Ben play with him. He also makes the cutest sad face when Brandon gives him raspberries on the neck (see pictures below). He has started to sleep for 7 to 8 hours a night, thank goodness. I am truly blessed to have such a mellow baby. I always thought Kaitlyn and Ben were content babies. Paul is the ultimate pass-around baby. Our only problem, he is a closet thumb sucker. Whenever I turn my back, his little thumb goes to his mouth. It is cute, but I am not sure I want to break a kid of that habit. Oh well, I will continue to enjoy ever moment I have with my children.

I know some of the pictures are random, but I only had my memory card. So this is what you get. Enjoy
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