Kaitlyn's self portrait. She loves to steal my camera and take random pictures.
Kailtyn turned 5 years old in April.
Of course since Ben had such a great time at Chuck E Cheese, so we had to go there again. This time we invited more family and some friends. She had a blast and loves getting her pictures sketched in the little photo booth. She got some really fun presents and loves them all. She tells me all the time that her toys are "very special" to her. Oh I love her cute face. She enjoys playing outside, particularly jumping on the trampoline and riding her new Barbie scooter that she got for her birthday. She also enjoys helping me plant flowers and weed the garden, I know I am lucky. She still loves all things Princess, and is currently fascinated with Rapunzel. Tangled how we love thee and must watch you at least twice a week. (It would be everyday but mommy is not that nice).
She is a great helper and assists me all the time. Here she is pushing the stroller home after taking our friend Isaac to school. And yes, Ben is in the bottom of the stroller, he was to exhausted to walk home (we live right around the corner from the elementary school, I mean like a five minute walk, seriously Ben!! oh well). Kaitlyn loves to write her name and is so cute when she tells me she has to sit at the table and do her homework. She is not even in school yet. Her homework is mostly coloring and working on writing her letters. This was a huge birthday for her because now she is old enough to go to Kindergarten, and believe me she talks about it all the time. I love her excitement to start school and am getting pretty excited myself. I promise I will not cry on her first day of school , but the second day who knows?
Happy Birthday my tough girl!!! I love you to pieces!!!!!