On Wednesday, they moved Brandon to the Rehab floor. They will focus with him more on physical, occupational, and speech therapies. He continues to improve everyday. Hopefully, they will be able to release him on Saturday. Yesterday, we went for a walk outside and Brandon loved getting some fresh air. He is doing much better walking unassisted. He still has some balance problems and trouble with stairs. It is worse when he is tired, which happens very easily. Anyway, he continues to be in good spirits and is anxious to go home.
We are excited, because we are going to the zoo today. I am going to take Kaitlyn and Ben. We are going with my sisters Jeanne, Jasmine, and Jessi, my brother Jordan, my niece Callie, and my nephew Craig. We are sure to have a great time.
I am glad to hear that things are looking up. I know Brandon is a real trooper. This web page is the best thing you could have come up with. It is great to hear the information, I thank you all for the support you give me, and I want to be sure I give some back. So Brandon get better, and quit worrying about getting back to work! enjoy your family while you can! Semper Fi your Big Brother!
Thanks for keeping us posted. I am so glad Brandon is doing better. Are prayers are with your family at this time.
Love Robanne
We are so excited that Brandon is coming home. We have missed our neighbors! Please let us know if there is anything we can do or get before you come home. Nate is planning on mowing the lawn and we will have a few groceries for you-if there is anything else please don't hesitate to ask! We can't wait to see you guys and love your family loads...Muellers
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