Sunday, April 27, 2008
Airplane Overload
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
On Saturday, the weather was so nice that we spent the day outside. We worked on the yard a little. Kaitlyn had fun helping Daddy split some wood with a little log splitter we borrowed from Grandpa Earl. She thought it was so neat to help push the button and watch the logs slowly break. She also got to jump on the trampoline while I weeded the yard. Kaitlyn loves jumping all the time, and especially loves the trampoline. She was having such a good time that I had to drag her off the trampoline when it was time to go inside. I can't wait for the weather to get nicer so we can spend more time outside. It will be nice to get out of the house more.
Ben is doing great, and he gets cuter all the time. He has the cutest little ringlets on the top of his head when his hair is wet. He also enjoys bath time and likes laying in the water. Kaitlyn loves helping me wash his body. Ben is starting to stay awake more during the day, and it is fun to watch Kaitlyn play with him. She is constantly trying to hold his hands and enjoys reading books to him. She is such a sweet big sister. Today, Kaitlyn even put her airplane toy in the bassinet with Ben so he could see it, which is a big deal because she absolutely loves her airplane toy.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
My baby...

Kaitlyn is laying in Ben's bassinet, which is at the foot of my bed. She looked so cute in it that I put Ben down in the crib, so Kaitlyn could stay in the bassinet. She also has his pacifier, she pulled it out of her mouth before I could get a picture. It is amusing because when she was a baby she would have nothing to do with a paci. Ben has been sucking on his hands a ton lately, so we tried a paci with him, and he loves it. Since Ben started using a paci, Kaitlyn thinks it is her job to take the paci from Ben and walk around the house with it in her mouth. Usually, if Ben starts crying, Kaitlyn will give the paci back to him. Anyway, I think Kaitlyn was just having a jealous morning and needed a little extra love. After I laid Ben down, I let Kaitlyn cuddle with me on the bed while we watched cartoons and ate cereal.
Later in the morning, we went to the doctor for Ben's 2 week check-up. He is growing well, and weighs 8lbs. 8ozs. now. The doctor said he looks very healthy and is doing wonderfully. She also said I can start trying to get him to sleep for longer at night. I informed her that he already sleeps for one four hour period at night. I am very lucky that he is such a mellow baby. I hope he stays that way for a long time.
We had a great visit with Jessi, Craig, and Callie on Friday. Kaitlyn loved spending time with them. It was nice to have some kids to play with. She also loved the princess outfit they brought her and had to put it on right away. It was fun to watch Kaitlyn play piano with Callie. Callie and Craig are such cute kids, I am glad Kaitlyn has such cool cousins to play with. I am also lucky to have such a kind big sister, Jessi is awesome. Thanks for everything. (Jessi has some great pictures of the kids on her website.)
Finally, we are excited to see Grandpa Jay and Grandma Jody this week. Kaitlyn wants Grandma to tell her all about her airplane ride.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
On Monday night, we made homemade ice cream for our family night treat. Kaitlyn loves to help Daddy turn the ice cream and watch it go around. We have an old fashioned ice cream maker that makes you work to get the ice cream. She is also good at adding more salt when Daddy needs it. Ben and I even helped turn the wheel for a couple of minutes. When we were done, we had some delicious peach ice cream, with plenty of extra to last us for several weeks. It was a really good family night activity.
The rest of the week was spent just hanging out at home and watching whatever movie Kaitlyn picked out. Kaitlyn has been a little sick this week, I think all of the stress of the new baby has got to her. She started out throwing up and had a fever on Monday. On Tuesday, she just had a cough, runny nose, and a scratchy voice. She seems to be feeling a little better today. I had to watch her and Ben very carefully as we do not want Ben to get sick. Daddy did buy Kaitlyn the Chipmunk movie to help her feel better. She was really amused by the singing and dancing chipmunks and would dance along with them. That is pretty much everything for now. Ben is awake and wants to eat again.
Tons of fun


They look so similar it is the cutest thing. I love how they both look so annoyed.