Kaitlyn is laying in Ben's bassinet, which is at the foot of my bed. She looked so cute in it that I put Ben down in the crib, so Kaitlyn could stay in the bassinet. She also has his pacifier, she pulled it out of her mouth before I could get a picture. It is amusing because when she was a baby she would have nothing to do with a paci. Ben has been sucking on his hands a ton lately, so we tried a paci with him, and he loves it. Since Ben started using a paci, Kaitlyn thinks it is her job to take the paci from Ben and walk around the house with it in her mouth. Usually, if Ben starts crying, Kaitlyn will give the paci back to him. Anyway, I think Kaitlyn was just having a jealous morning and needed a little extra love. After I laid Ben down, I let Kaitlyn cuddle with me on the bed while we watched cartoons and ate cereal.
Later in the morning, we went to the doctor for Ben's 2 week check-up. He is growing well, and weighs 8lbs. 8ozs. now. The doctor said he looks very healthy and is doing wonderfully. She also said I can start trying to get him to sleep for longer at night. I informed her that he already sleeps for one four hour period at night. I am very lucky that he is such a mellow baby. I hope he stays that way for a long time.
We had a great visit with Jessi, Craig, and Callie on Friday. Kaitlyn loved spending time with them. It was nice to have some kids to play with. She also loved the princess outfit they brought her and had to put it on right away. It was fun to watch Kaitlyn play piano with Callie. Callie and Craig are such cute kids, I am glad Kaitlyn has such cool cousins to play with. I am also lucky to have such a kind big sister, Jessi is awesome. Thanks for everything. (Jessi has some great pictures of the kids on her website.)
Finally, we are excited to see Grandpa Jay and Grandma Jody this week. Kaitlyn wants Grandma to tell her all about her airplane ride.
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