Sunday, April 27, 2008

Airplane Overload

Sorry I have not posted for a while. My laptop is broken and my other computer is going very slow. Anyway, yesterday we were going to ride on the new Frontrunner. The wait was three to four hours, so Brandon suggested we go to the airplane museum. Kaitlyn had a blast. She was so excited to see all the planes. She could hardly hold still and did not know which plane to look at first. She loved being able to touch the planes outside and told everyone we saw that she touched the plane. When we went inside, she had to sit in the stroller and could not touch the planes. She was so mad that she could not run around and play on the planes. Overall, we had a great time and I know where I can take Kaitlyn during the summer when we just need to get out of the house.

Kaitlyn had a great second birthday. Kaitlyn and I made sugar cookies and frosted them. She got blue frosting all over her and had fun with the sprinkles. When Brandon got home, we went to a cute little deli at the Ogden Airport. Kaitlyn loved watching the planes take off and land. She is so fascinated with all the planes. On Friday, Grandma Jody, Jeanne, Craig, and Callie came to visit. We had a fun visit and Kaitlyn loved getting more presents. Grandma gave her princess sheets and a princess quilt. I put them on her bed that day, and Kaitlyn was extremely excited to go to sleep that night.

Ben is doing wonderful and gets bigger all the time. He keeps getting longer and is going to be tall like his dad. He is more alert everyday and loves to look at faces. He is starting to sleep for about five hours a night, hooray for mommy. Kaitlyn is starting to help me even more. She has decided that it is her job to wash and rinse off Ben's body. I wash his face and hair so she doesn't pour water all over him. We are definitely having tons of fun with our two little angels.

1 comment:

JesaLu said...

I am glad Kaitlyn had a good birthday. Maybe sometime this summer (on a Friday) we can do the airplane thing together because Craig still loves to look at planes and Callie loves anything Craig does. Those cookies look yummy (any chance Kailyn will make more for Ben's blessing??). Let me know if you need me to bring anything with us on Sunday. The invites turned out cute.