Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We have had a fun week. On Wednesday and Thursday, we got to spend some time with Grandpa Jay and Grandma Jody. Kaitlyn had tons of fun and loves her airplane toys. She also liked playing hide and seek under the coffee table. It was nice to visit with my parents. I am glad they got to spend some time with their grand kids.

On Saturday, the weather was so nice that we spent the day outside. We worked on the yard a little. Kaitlyn had fun helping Daddy split some wood with a little log splitter we borrowed from Grandpa Earl. She thought it was so neat to help push the button and watch the logs slowly break. She also got to jump on the trampoline while I weeded the yard. Kaitlyn loves jumping all the time, and especially loves the trampoline. She was having such a good time that I had to drag her off the trampoline when it was time to go inside. I can't wait for the weather to get nicer so we can spend more time outside. It will be nice to get out of the house more.

Ben is doing great, and he gets cuter all the time. He has the cutest little ringlets on the top of his head when his hair is wet. He also enjoys bath time and likes laying in the water. Kaitlyn loves helping me wash his body. Ben is starting to stay awake more during the day, and it is fun to watch Kaitlyn play with him. She is constantly trying to hold his hands and enjoys reading books to him. She is such a sweet big sister. Today, Kaitlyn even put her airplane toy in the bassinet with Ben so he could see it, which is a big deal because she absolutely loves her airplane toy.


Anonymous said...

happy birthday Kaitlyn!

JesaLu said...

Craig and Callie are both glad it is warming up a little too. We kind of did over kill with the outdoor activities this weekend to make up for being stuck inside so much.
We will try and bring Kaitlyn's birthday present soon.